Exercise Classes for Seniors

Better balance
More strength
Your community

Forever Active classes are designed to improve strength and balance for older adults and bring communities together.

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Forever Active video intro for local exercise classes for seniors
Exercise Classes for Seniors

Exercise Classes for Seniors

How do Forever Active classes work?

Forever Active has been developed by a Physiotherapist with over ten years experience working in the NHS with older adults.

The classes merge strength, flexibility, aerobic and balance together and are designed using the latest research to progress you gradually, whether you’re independent, use a stick or frame, it’s for everyone!

Our sessions bring communities together and you’ll be interacting with other members throughout the class and having fun. You’ll be amazed at what you can do and how quickly you’ll start to notice improvements.

Strength & Balance Calculator

Are you curious about your physical fitness level as you age?

Our easy-to-use online calculator empowers you to gauge your strength and balance in just a few minutes.

Older Adults Exercise Classes Testimonials

Real Results from Real Members

Seniors physiotherapy exercise class testimonial

Listen to how Susan’s strength and balance has improved since starting at Forever Active.

exercise classes for older adults testimonial | Forever Active testimonial

Listen to Jean’s thoughts on her first Forever Active exercise class for older adults and what she most enjoyed about it.

Older adult physiotherapy exercise class testimonial

Listen to how Jane’s strength and balance has improved since starting at Forever Active.

Become an instructor now!

If you’re looking for a truly rewarding job that offers flexibility and excellent rates of pay then get in touch about becoming a Forever Active instructor.

Insights and updates for a healthier, happier you

Fit and Flourishing Blog

Become an exercise class instructor for Forever Active

Do You Want to Help People and Make the World better? Become an Exercise Instructor for Seniors with Forever Active

Healthy, active looking older woman

Forever Active Brings Strength & Balance to Older Adults

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